
Archive for June, 2006

Another milestone.

I shed a little tear when I collected Little’un from nursery today – it was her last day in the baby room.  Sniff.  She will have had her 2nd birthday by Monday so she starts in the toddler room.  Sniff.  Another milestone in my baby’s life.

             😦 😦 😦 😦 😦

She has been spending time in the toddler room for the past few weeks so it shouldn’t be too much of a shock when she goes in there full time.  She already knows a lot of the children in there as she played with them when they were in the baby room, and the carers in there often come through into the baby room so that the older babies know who they are.

The carers in the baby room were genuinely sad to see her go as she is a very affectionate child and they love her cuddles as much as we do :).  She celebrated her last day in style though with a class trip on the train to Skegness to see the donkeys and to play in the sand.

I know that I should be pleased that I have a happy and healthy little girl, and I am as proud of her as any Mum could be, but passing these milestones does make me sad too.  It’s so true what everyone tells you, they are not babies for long.

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Cold Turkey

After three weeks of two games a day, there’s now no football until Saturday 😯



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Only 10 days to go until the Boston Race for Life.

How much training have I done?  None. 😐

How much fitter am I than I was when I started?  Not at all. 🙄

How much weight have I lost?  None. 😥

I’m going to do it anyway though, and just walk round at a brisk pace rather than attempt to run at all.  My gym attendance has had to go as I couldn’t fit it in with everything else – it’s a bit of a viscious circle really – too knackered and run down to get fit, not fit enough to stop being knackered and run down.

So if the thought of me wobbling round a 5km course far far behind all the fit young things has made you :lol:, or if you admire my courage 😉 or even if you just think I’m totally mad :mrgreen:, please please please sponsor me.  Let me know by text/email/phone and I’ll add you to the list or alternatively visit my sponsorship site and sponsor me online.

Thank you 🙂

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The Yorkshireman had a hairbrained scheme on Friday night that it would be an excellent idea to go to London for the day… we all deserved a treat after the last few weeks and all that.

So Saturday morning saw us getting up early and tootling off to Peterborough to catch one of those train things.  The weather forcast was for sunshine so typically it was pissing down until about half way to London and we got wet dashing from the car to the station, rueing the decision to leave coats at home so we wouldn’t be saddled with them all day.  Little’un was very excited and shouted, “Train!  Choo choo!” to anyone who cared to listen (and many that probably preferred not to) most of the way.  We arrived at King’s Cross and then stood about for a bit going, “So, where shall we go now?” … “Ermmm, dunno.” … We had planned well for our day out.

We decided on Trafalgar Square for a starter, unfortunately Nelson was feeling shy and his column was under wraps being cleaned, but Little’un liked it anyway, she was very excited and shouted, “Birds!  Tweet tweet!” and, “Water! Splash splash!” to anyone who cared to listen (and many who probably preferred not to).  We must have been a sight to behold, a mummy chasing a toddler chasing a pigeon, but we had fun.

Being too tight to buy lunch in an actual restaurant, we stopped at Tesco Metro and bought butties etc for lunch and spread out on the grass in St. James’ Park.  We even hired deck chairs as the weather was so lovely.  We weren’t far from the pond.  Little’un was very excited and shouted, “Duck! Quack quack!” to anyone who cared to listen (and many who probably preferred not to).  She ran down toward the pond and I chased her.  There seemed to be a recurring theme happening and it was hot and sunshiny and I was getting far too sweaty to carry on in this way so she was bundled into her buggy and we went for a walk. 

Eventually she fell asleep but not before she saw some sniffer dogs outside Buckingham Palace checking ingoing lorries for bad things.  She got very excited and shouted, “Doggy!  Woof woof!” to anyone who cared to listen (and may who probably preferred not to).  The Yorkshireman and I sneaked an ice cream while she slept and had a break from excited shouting.

We walked down to the Embankment and along the river.  It was gorgeous in the sunshine and the river wasn’t too smelly either.  Little’un woke up after a while and got very excited… you get the picture by now I’m sure… so we took her for a ride on a boat.  She was more interested in the trains going across the bridges though than her big adventure on the water.

A short stroll round St. Katharine’s Docks and it was time to head back to King’s Cross (Platform 6, not Platform 9¾, sadly) and head home.

I thought she’d be knackered after her busy day but, yes, you guessed it, more excited shouting on the way back.

We had a really lovely day but I think I’ll take ear plugs next time.

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Here’s a bit of film for you of Little’un playing with Siblings 1 & 2 and the OnDigital monkey.  It’s a bit repetitive, so once you’ve seen the first couple of minutes you’ve seen it all, but enjoy it anyway :).  Those of you who last more than a couple of minutes will notice that after a while I thought a portrait orientation would be a good idea – completely forgetting that this would make watching the film a little awkward for the non-contortionists.  Oh well.

The more observant amongst you may notice that Sibling 2 (far left) only appears to have one arm – he dislocated his shoulder last week in a nasty archaeology incident involving a lump of granite and a wheelbarrow 😯 so his arm is in a sling and tucked inside his tshirt.

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Shiny brand spanking new blog

What better way to celebrate the 2006 Summer Solstice than to use all that extra daylight to start a new blog? 

It's a shame that I had to leave the old blog behind :cry:, but I had my reasons and here I am back again.  New blog, new start and all that :).  Be prepared for lots of wittering, silliness, proud parental boasting and overuse of emoticons :?. 

Ten points to anyone who knows why I've called this blog Tiger Feet (Pewari is exempt as I reckon she'll guess straight away ;)).

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Asda Kill Hate Grrrrr

I hate shopping at our local Asda store.  The aisles are really narrow and it can be difficult to navigate a shopping trolley complete with wriggling toddler without crashing into a display, sending tins of Smart Price Baked Beans in every direction.  It is generally full of ignorant chavs and other scum, just begging to be taken out with random machine gun fire.  The awful mothers with their unruly kids (”Chelsea-Kylie, fucking get your arse here now before I beat you into next week!”) make my skin crawl.  There is never any bread.

I do try not to be a small minded, bigoted snob, but a trip to Asda could almost be enough to make me buy a twin set and pearls, get a blue rinse and enquire at the WI whether my tendancy to swear will keep me out of the jam making contest.

The unfortunate thing is that Boston is a fairly small town and not over-endowed with supermarkets.  There is a Tesco and a Somerfield here too, but Asda is on the way from my house to, well, pretty much everywhere in the known universe so it’s just so darn handy.  I begrudge paying Tesco a fiver to bring me my shopping when I live so close to a supermarket.  So I just have to grit my teeth and say to myself that I’ll be out of the place before I know it.

Today my ire was irked by a Little Old Lady buying her week’s supply of cooking sherry.  I had managed to get round the store without killing or even grossly mutilating anyone and stood in the (ridiculously long) queue at the checkout, idly wondering what sort of quantum effect it is that causes everyone else’s queue to move faster than yours, when this old bat dear decided to hold up MY queue with her old battish attempts to get a whole week’s worth of cheap plonk into one crap carrier bag.  She was there for long enough for me to hypothesise some sort of Doppler-shift shopping queue effect (the further away the queue is from yours, the faster it seems to go – measurable by differences in red and blue light emitted from said queue and your own) that seems to keep me as its centre of gravity, and to start postulating the effect of adding some probablility equations regarding the chances of getting a competent checkout assistant at whichever till you choose (I always get the spotty trainee for some reason).

Hardly earth shattering I know.  I think I have anger issues that should possibly be addressed ;) , and perhaps all the bollocks that seems to be coming from my head at the moment suggests that I’m getting better now ) and will soon be back at work (more on this to follow another time).

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